S.No | Committee | Convener | |
1 | Admissions Committee | K Bhanu Chandar | kbhanuchander_fed@pscmr.ac.in |
2 | Alumni Coordination cell | B.HanumanthaRao | bhr@pscmr.ac.in |
3 | Anti-Ragging Committee | Dr. Y.Rajendra Babu | eee.hod@pscmr.ac.in |
4 | Campus Maintenance Committee | B. Srikanth Reddy | srikanthreddy@pscmr.ac.in |
5 | Canteen/House keeping/sanitation/ food safety Cell | Dr.T.Bindu Madhavi / Marry | bindumadhavi_fed@pscmr.ac.in |
6 | College Development Council | Dr.Y.Rajendra Babu | eee.hod@pscmr.ac.in |
7 | College Management System Committee | Dr.G.Padmaja | padmajagrandhe@pscmr.ac.in |
8 | College Time table Committee | G M G Madhuri | gmgmadhuri@pscmr.ac.in |
9 | Department Student Association Cell - (Co-curricular activiteis)like - English club and others | Ch.B.V.Durga | balavijayadurga@pscmr.ac.in |
10 | Discipline Committee | B Srikanth Reddy | srikanthreddy@pscmr.ac.in |
11 | Entrepreneurship Development cell and Industry Intitute Interaction cell (EDC & III Cell) | Dr.A.P.Sastri | cse.hod@pscmr.ac.in |
12 | Examination Cell | O Bhanusekhar | ktexamcell@pscmr.ac.in |
13 | Finance Committee | Dr.S. Manikanta | placements@pscmr.ac.in |
14 | Governing Body Committee | Dr.J.Lakshminarayana | principal@pscmr.ac.in |
15 | AICTE(SPICES)-(Hobby clubs) | Dr.A.Rama Devi | draramadevi@pscmr.ac.in |
16 | Hostel Committee | Dr.A.Rama Devi(Girls) Dr.S. Manikanta(Boys) |
draramadevi@pscmr.ac.in |
17 | ICC-Internal Compliants Committee (which covers women welfare/development/grievance redressal/anti-sexually harrarment/etc) | Dr.A.Rama Devi | draramadevi@pscmr.ac.in |
18 | Institution Innovation Cell (III Cell by MHRD, Govt of India) | V.S.R.K.Prasad.G | prasad.kdpl@pscmr.ac.in |
19 | IQAC-Internal Quality Assurance cell (NBA/NAAC/NIRF) | Dr.A.P Sastri | cse.hod@pscmr.ac.in |
20 | IPR,Research & Development and consultancy | Dr.SK.Akbar | dr.akbar@pscmra.c.in |
21 | IT infrastructure& ICT Committee | B.HanumanthaRao | bhe@pscmr.ac.in |
22 | Library Committee | A.V. Kiranmai | avkiranmai@pscmr.ac.in |
23 | National Service Scheme(NSS) | Dr.A.Rama Devi B.Srikanth Reddy |
draramadevi@pscmr.ac.in |
24 | Placement and Career guidance cell | Dr.S.Manikanta, Director of Placements G.S.Srinivasa Murthy |
placements@pscmr.ac.in |
25 | Press, Media and Publicity Committee | G. Anuradha/E.Sundesh Babu | anuradahagadda@gmail.com |
26 | Professional Societies Coordinator?s coordination cell | A.Sai Pallavi | saipallavi@pscmr.ac.in |
27 | Social welfare cell | I.Murali Krishna | muralikrishna@pscmr.ac.in |
28 | Sports and Games Committee | Mr M Victor Johnson | sports@pscmr.ac.in |
29 | Staff grievances and Redressal Committee | V.Navya Sree | navya.sree@pscmr.ac.in |
30 | Student counselling/ Mentor & Redressal Committee | Dr.T.Shanthi Sri | santhisree.trk@gmail.com |
31 | Transportation Committee | K.Bhanu Chander | kbhanuchander_fed@pscmr.ac.in |
32 | Website Development & Maintenance Committee | B.Sarath Chandra | bsarathchandra@pscmr.ac.in |